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Diagnostic Laboratory

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Rabies Testing

skunk and bat

The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) has partnered with the Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (OADDL) to support the state’s animal rabies lab within its facility.


As of Monday, Sept. 13, 2021, animal samples sent for rabies testing must be shipped to OADDL for processing.


For more information, refer to the OSDH news release.


Rabies Submissions

Submitters must adhere to submission guidelines to ensure testing is completed safely and in a timely manner.

Submission Instructions

Rabies specimen submissions must follow strict guidelines in handling and transport. Please review instructions for acceptable preparation, packaging and transport.


Rabies Submission Instruction


Submission Form

A Rabies Submission Form must be completed for each specimen submitted. Specimens received without documented exposure information are not routinely processed but rather are held pending contact with the submitter/owner. This will delay testing. Please, provide a current Fax number (as applicable) to expedite
reporting of rabies test results. 


Rabies Submission Form


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