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Diagnostic Laboratory

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Accreditations and Partnerships

AAVLD Accredited

OADDL is fully accredited for all species by the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. The core diagnostic services we provide include: pathology (necropsy and biopsy), bacteriology/mycology, parasitology, molecular diagnostics, serology and toxicology.


NAHLN Member

OADDL is a member of the National Animal Health Laboratory Network - a partnership of federal and state laboratories with a mission to protect animal health in the US by performing surveillance testing for high-consequence agricultural and zoonotic pathogens. As a member, OADDL performs diagnostic and surveillance testing for avian influenza, swine influenza, foot and mouth disease, exotic Newcastle disease, African swine fever, and classical swine fever (hog cholera).

NPIP Laboratory

OADDL is a National Poultry Improvement Plan laboratory and conducts surveillance testing for commercial poultry companies.

Vet-LIRN Laboratory

OADDL is a Vet-LIRN laboratory assisting in FDA investigations involving potential risks to the nation’s food supply or animal feeds. Veterinary Laboratory Investigation and Response Team



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