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Diagnostic Laboratory

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Committed to the public good


Student Disabilities Services provides assistance in the classroom and in everyday life on campus.

America's Healthiest Campus

As America’s Healthiest Campus, we believe that wellness is more than diet and exercise, it’s a lifestyle.

Cooperative Extension

We provide science-based educational programs to help Oklahomans address local issues and manage resources wisely.


OSU is committed to excellence in diversity and inclusion. We want everyone to feel welcome here!

Outreach & Community Engagement

As a university, we strive to be a part of the community and give back to those in Oklahoma, and beyond that, the world.


One of the essential components of our land-grant mission, our researchers aim to improve quality of life with new ideas.


The Department of Public Safety and OSU Police Department make an experienced, knowledgeable team committed to protecting our campus.


The Environmental Protection Agency and other sustainability groups have awarded us for conserving energy and reducing waste.