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Diagnostic Laboratory

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Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) testing in Dairy Cattle.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


As a member of the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN), OADDL is certified to perform Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) testing on all species.

Currently, all HPAI testing on Dairy Farms is subsidized by the NAHLN.

Milk from all lactating dairy cattle MUST be tested for HPAI within 7 days prior to interstate (between states) movement as per FEDERAL ORER, effective Monday, April 29, 2024.


Dairy cattle suspected of disease due to being sick (must have a FADI number from the State Vet’s Office)


Guidelines to submit samples to OADDL:


1. Complete OADDL General Submittal Form including Premise ID, and purpose for testing e.g., surveillance, diagnostic (requires FADI number from State Vet’s office), exhibition etc. For accessions with multiple animals, also complete the Multiple Animal Submittal Form.


2. Sample all four (4) quarters from a single cow into a single leak proof container/tube (5-10ml/cow required). Do not pool from different cows.


3. For other animals (e.g., cats) on dairies associated with a disease event, submit nasal swabs without additives.


4. Ship samples in insulated shipping containers with cold packs. OADDL highly recommends using overnight, trackable shipping methods with frozen gel packs. Heavily discounted UPS and FedEx shipping options are available from our website. Call the lab if you need assistance.


5. Turnaround time for testing will be 3 days upon receipt. Samples submitted on Friday will be reported out the following business day.


Contact OADDL at 405-744-6623 or with any questions.

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